How to Create Sales Order

Sales order, sometimes abbreviated as SO, is an order given to the customer, it is an internal document of the company generated by the company itself. A sales order should record the customer’s originating purchase order which is an external document. To create a sales order in myBooks, select Transaction> Sales Order > Create sales order. […]

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How to Delete your myBooks Account

If for any reason, you wish to delete your myBooks account. You can do so from Business profile. Click Delete account on the top right corner. Enter Delete in upper cause and provide an optional reason for deletion. After you submit this, you will receive an email confirmation for deleting your account. Click confirm delete […]

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Importing Bank Statement

We will be take a look at how to import bank statements into myBooks. Bank statement can be imported into myBooks through CSV excel format and this document will show a step by step from entering data in excel to importing that data into myBooks. By default myBooks will load three types of bank accounts […]

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How to create Production Order

Produced goods can be recorded with the raw materials consumed and their manufacturing costs. How to get there! To create a production order in myBooks, click on Transactions > Production order> Create production order. Production Order Details Production order number will automatically be created. But it can be disabled by clicking on the production order […]

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How to create Inventory Adjustment

Adjustments in inventory don’t always come from sales. Sometimes, it’s necessary to modify the inventory levels in records so that they will reflect in actual inventory. Inventory adjustment refers to adjustment entries made in periodic accounting to account for the differences between recorded and actual inventory items.  How to get there! To create an inventory […]

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How to create Vendor Payment

When a company order goods from a supplier, they raise a Bill, when the goods or services arrive they will receive an invoice from the supplier. If the goods or services match the bill, then details of the invoice are entered into the vendor payment, it helps to track how much money is going out […]

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How to create an Item

Items can be products or services you render or sell to your customers. Based on your business, you can add that product or service here.  You can create a catalog by adding all of the products and services you deal with. How to get there! To create a new item in mybooks click on Items […]

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How to Edit & Delete Contact

Contacts List Your existing contacts are displayed here. To add a new contact, click on Create contact will redirect to the New Contact page. You can search, edit or delete your contacts. Edit a Contact Go to contact then select the contact Click on the Edit field located below actions It will redirect to a […]

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How to create Contact

In myBooks you can keep your existing business contacts and also create new contacts. The contact can be a customer, vendor, or both. How to get there! Add a new contact in myBooks by a click on Contacts > Create contact General Details Select salutation then enters the first name and last name of the […]

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