Vendor Aging Details

This report shows records of Vendor aging details and it open all the bills of the Vendor. This report also shows transaction #, status, vendor name, and age. This report will be helpful in identifying the aging of the vendor balances. The Vendor Aging can be created in three different sections they are Current, Previous, […]

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Tax Summary Report

This report shows the amount of tax collected and the amount of tax paid. It shows the calculation of the tax percentage-based. This report will be helpful in identifying the tax amount collected through invoices and bills. This report can be created in three different sections they are Current, Previous, and Custom. In the current, […]

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Contact Statement Report

Contact statement report gives you a complete history of the customer sales like for example how many invoices have been created, whether any credit note issues for that particular customer.  This will show a complete transaction history. How to get there! To generate contact statment report click on reports > management reports > contact statement […]

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Expense Report

This report shows records of Expense Reports and it includes Expense Reports which were paid. This report also shows the Expense Report creation date and the delivery date of that Expense Report. This report will be helpful in identifying the bills which were saved as a draft, open, partially paid, billed, and canceled. This report […]

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Expense by Vendor

This report show record of Expense by the vendor and it includes bills for which payment has not been made. This report also shows the amount and amount with tax. This report will be helpful in identifying to which vendor you have paid the most amount of money or to identify to which vendor you […]

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Expense by Item

This report shows records of Expense by item and it includes items for which payment not made. This report also shows quantity purchased, amount, and average price. The expense by items report will be helpful in identifying which items you spent the most amount of money on. This report can be created in three different […]

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Account Transactions Report

This report shows revenue & expense transaction details by account. Any transaction which was created in myBooks will be displayed here. This report is useful for verifying the transaction created. This report can be created in three different sections they are Current, Previous, and Custom. The current report can be created by using Today, Current […]

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Profit & Loss Report

Profit and loss is a financial report that shows the company’s revenues and expenses for a mentioned specific period of time. This report is one of the four major reports it shows the company’s net profit or loss for a mentioned specific period of time and it is also known as an income report. This […]

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Sales by Item Report

This report shows records of sales per item and it includes invoices for which payment has not been received. This report also shows amount and average price. This report will be helpful in identifying the items which are selling the most. This report can created in three different sections they are Current, Previous and Custom. […]

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Sales by Salesperson Report

This report shows records of sales per salesperson and it includes invoices for payments not yet received. This report also shows sales amount and sales amount with tax. This report will be helpful in identifying the salesperson who is making the most number of sales. This report can be created in three different sections they […]

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