Other income is income that does not come from the company’s main business. These transactions can be reconciled here. Click on the amount displayed under deposits and select the transaction type as Other deposit. Enter all the necessary information and documents can be uploaded by clicking on the upload icon. Click on save to save […]
Category: Banking
Banking Topics for myBooks
Other Income
Other income is income that does not come from the company’s main business. These transactions can be reconciled here Click on the amount displayed under deposits and select the transaction type as Other income. Enter all the necessary information and documents can be uploaded by clicking on upload icon. Click on save to save the […]
Expense Refund
Expense Refund is a method for paying employees back when they spend their own money while working on company time. These transactions can be reconciled here. Click on the amount displayed under withdrawal and select the transaction type as expense refund. Enter all the necessary information and documents can be uploaded by clicking on upload […]
Other Withdrawal
Click on the amount displayed under withdrawals and select the transaction type as other withdrawal. Enter all the necessary information and documents can be uploaded by clicking on upload icon. Click on save to save the transaction.
Vendor Advance
Click on the amount displayed under withdrawals and select the transaction type as Vendor advance. Enter all the necessary information and documents can be uploaded by clicking on the upload icon. Click on save to save the transaction.
Vendor Payment
Goods or services which are rendered by the vendor. For those goods or services payments will be made to the vendor. Those transactions can be reconciled here. Click on the amount displayed under withdrawals and select the transaction type as a vendor payment. Select the vendor name and once the vendor is updated open bills […]
Transfer to Another Account
This reconciliation shows the amount transferred from one account to another account. Click on the amount displayed under deposits and select the transaction type as Transfer to another account. Enter all the necessary information and documents can be uploaded by clicking on the upload icon. Click on save to save the transaction. Match transaction for […]