Create a new item,
HSN code – HSN stands for Harmonized System of Nomenclature is a systematic classification of goods all over the world. HSN has 8 digit code. Updated HSN code will be displayed in the GST reports.
SAC code – SAC stands for service accounting codes is a classification system for services and it has 6 digit code Updated SAC code will be displayed in the GST reports.
Inter tax – Inter tax will be levied when the supplier and the customer are in different states. When the tax is linked to the item while creating a transaction, then selected inter-tax will be updated.
Intra tax – Intra tax will be levied when the supplier and the customer are in the same states. When the tax is linked to the item while creating a transaction, the selected intra tax will be updated.
Intra tax will not load for the following GST treatment
- Deemed exports
- Overseas